The KAPtery closed on December 31, 2024. Products can no longer be ordered from these pages. Some products are available for purchase from Ennapurna in France. For questions, replacement parts, special requests, or leftover inventory, use the Contact page above.
The KAPtery's final product: SliderPro 200
The three components of the SliderPro 200 allow your Kodak slide projector and your digital camera to make high-quality digital copies of a tray full of slides automatically.
Build your own: Free, Open Source Designs
Downloadable stl and skp files for 3D printing camera rigs for kite aerial photography and balloon aerial photography.
Parts lists, assembly instructions, and user guides for building your own kite and balloon aerial photography rigs or other gadgets.
The KAPtery produces kits to build original designs of camera rigs for kite, balloon, and pole aerial photography. These are smart and easy ways to get your own camera in the air.
KAPtery electronic designs are based on Arduino microcontrollers and allow robotic camera control and logging of environmental data.
Open Hardware
The designs of KAPtery products are shared freely with the community of makers. They can be copied and improved as long as the derivative designs are also shared freely and attributed to the KAPtery.
Product prices include shipping in the USA only. For international shipping of some of these products, try Ennapurna. Or contact us for shipping quotes.
Who will win in a world of...LASER DEPTHS?
A Mini Pearl Logger has been collecting data on the water depth in my springhouse. The data revealed one of the many secrets of the hillside's hydrology.
Mounting and deploying a Mini Pearl Logger
A tidy mounting plate and an easy way to protect a Mini Pearl Logger in the field.
Assembling a Mini Pearl Pro Logger
Instructions for assembling a Mini Pearl Pro data logger.
Prototyping the Mini Pearl Logger
The first build of the data logger that would become the Mini Pearl Logger.
Mini Pearl Jam
Early trials of the Mini Pearl Logger.
Installing the water-level monitor
The Mini-Pearl Logger is installed in the springhouse to record the water level.
Will trigonometry help an Arduino measure water depth?
A more elegant approach to measuring water depth in my springhouse is to use trigonometry to derive a dimension of a triangle from the angle measured by the accelerometer.