The KAPtery has landed

The KAPtery closed on December 31, 2024. Products can no longer be ordered from these pages. Some products are available for purchase from Ennapurna in France. For questions, replacement parts, special requests, or leftover inventory, use the Contact page above.


$3.50 to $9.50

Price includes US shipping.


Prices for these data logging accessories include US shipping, so they can be ordered separately from other products. 


lcd_20170511-8882.jpgLCD display:  $9.50  A two line by 16 character LCD to display sensor results in real time. Bright blue backlight and white letters. Includes attached backpack PCB which converts the display to an I2C device. Includes 10 cm four-wire cable with DuPont connectors. No soldering required. 5 volt operation only. Tutorial for similar module. Research notes at Public Lab. Here are more details.


sensors_20170729-0213.jpgScrew-terminal shield:  $4.00  An Arduino Nano or Pro Mini can be seated in the headers and the pins will be connected to screw-terminals. Connections to other devices can then be made without soldering by inserting wires into the terminals and tightening with a screwdriver. The pin labels are for an Arduino Nano, but most are also correct for the Pro Mini. Four pins on the Pro Mini will not connect to terminals, but it is very handy for prototyping with either the Nano or Pro Mini. Ed Mallon's post


sensors_20170729-0235ps.jpgUART adapter cable: $5.50  FTDI FT232RL USB to TTL Serial Converter. The Arduino Pro Mini does not have a USB port, so a device like this is needed to load programs onto the Pro Mini. A 6-wire DuPont cable is included to connect the pins on the Pro Mini with the UART adapter pins. A USB cable is included to connect the adapter to your computer. Either 3.3v or 5v operation via jumper.


3 AA Battery case: $3.50  An enclosed case with on/off switch for 3 AA batteries. For 3.3 volt loggers.


4 AA Battery case:  $3.50  An enclosed case with on/off switch for 4 AA batteries. For 3.3 or 5 volt loggers.